Well I feel really bad that I haven't bloged or had more interaction BUT this weekend and week have been NUTS so far. Got a new job that was heaven sent and a weekend full of shows,friends and THRASH Metal.
Yesterday had class then I was off to Train at the "GreenRoom" From there I rushed home to change and load up the wolf for some Horse action. The Ranch was all set for the night so I started to make my way out of the Mountains and BAM a year old Rattle Snake was crossing the drive way as I was closing the gate. I have been given orders to kill on site Rattle snakes, Rabits and Coyotes. So with that said I grabbed my Air Riffle and shot him in the head Brought him home with the head on still to show the kids at home how to skin a snake.
So all in all it had been beautiful
I have photos up on Tumblr.
Allhailthewolf.tumblr.com Check it out
Yesterday had class then I was off to Train at the "GreenRoom" From there I rushed home to change and load up the wolf for some Horse action. The Ranch was all set for the night so I started to make my way out of the Mountains and BAM a year old Rattle Snake was crossing the drive way as I was closing the gate. I have been given orders to kill on site Rattle snakes, Rabits and Coyotes. So with that said I grabbed my Air Riffle and shot him in the head Brought him home with the head on still to show the kids at home how to skin a snake.
So all in all it had been beautiful

I have photos up on Tumblr.
Allhailthewolf.tumblr.com Check it out
Hope you have a Blessed Day!