Catiedid meet Hope, Hope meet Catiedid
Of the many things Ive learned in the past year, one of the most important lessons is that I need to bring both sides of my personality closer to the center, closer together, begin to merge my two lives. Ive learned that in order for both to survive they must live together in harmony. To do this I must stop fighting to keep them so separate. Catiedid was born approximately 6 years ago. She started as Cate, a conversation about writing, about the name in which I would publish under. Cate became the life that paralleled Hopes life, but never crossed. At the time, I felt the two must remain completely separate in order for each to survive. This lasted about 2 years before I put a stop to Cate in order for Hope to survive. But for anyone who, at some point in their lives, discovered a new and exciting part of themselves, to suppress it, is pointless. And as I tried to keep all I learned and all I became locked away inside me, the sadder and more upset I became with the path I found myself on. Through SG I created Catiedid and through Catiedid I was able to re-explore those artistic and expressive sides of myself that I feared as part of Hopes life. But as the life of Catiedid began to grow the life of Hope began to wither. How could I survive one without the other? Neither, Ive learned, can survive without the other, and neither should I be ashamed of. Each offers something significant to my life as a whole. So, in a symbolic gesture of the merging of the two unique sides of my personality, I now have a Katydid as a permanent part of myself. Catiedid cannot survive without Hope nor can Hope survive without Catiedid.
Little did Adrian at 7th Street Tattoo realize how symbolic the little critter upon my skin is to me. He sketched me the perfect Summer Katydid to crawl upon my skin. For any of you in or around the Little Rock area considering a tattoo you MUST go see Adrian. And if you are driving through LR and all of a sudden have the urge to get a tattoo, stop in and have Adrian draw you up something. Ive already got him working on my next one. And I must also note, for the record, the boy has the most beautiful blue eyes
Of the many things Ive learned in the past year, one of the most important lessons is that I need to bring both sides of my personality closer to the center, closer together, begin to merge my two lives. Ive learned that in order for both to survive they must live together in harmony. To do this I must stop fighting to keep them so separate. Catiedid was born approximately 6 years ago. She started as Cate, a conversation about writing, about the name in which I would publish under. Cate became the life that paralleled Hopes life, but never crossed. At the time, I felt the two must remain completely separate in order for each to survive. This lasted about 2 years before I put a stop to Cate in order for Hope to survive. But for anyone who, at some point in their lives, discovered a new and exciting part of themselves, to suppress it, is pointless. And as I tried to keep all I learned and all I became locked away inside me, the sadder and more upset I became with the path I found myself on. Through SG I created Catiedid and through Catiedid I was able to re-explore those artistic and expressive sides of myself that I feared as part of Hopes life. But as the life of Catiedid began to grow the life of Hope began to wither. How could I survive one without the other? Neither, Ive learned, can survive without the other, and neither should I be ashamed of. Each offers something significant to my life as a whole. So, in a symbolic gesture of the merging of the two unique sides of my personality, I now have a Katydid as a permanent part of myself. Catiedid cannot survive without Hope nor can Hope survive without Catiedid.

Little did Adrian at 7th Street Tattoo realize how symbolic the little critter upon my skin is to me. He sketched me the perfect Summer Katydid to crawl upon my skin. For any of you in or around the Little Rock area considering a tattoo you MUST go see Adrian. And if you are driving through LR and all of a sudden have the urge to get a tattoo, stop in and have Adrian draw you up something. Ive already got him working on my next one. And I must also note, for the record, the boy has the most beautiful blue eyes

son pere
(ohh..and *discreet* sharing is only for theclosest of friendsand must be sealed with pinky promises, pimms, and petting..
Well, I just got out of my board meeting and they are all over kissing my ass...I'm not sure what the hell Ted has said to them, but two of them wanted to make sure that I was indeed coming back from "vacation." Maybe they should offer me more money to ensure that I do, huh?
Yes, you and I SHOULD live closer, like next door from one another. There is this episode of Grace Under Fire, remember that show? Well, Grace and Nadine were best friends and lived next door...Nadine and her husband Wade were talking about moving like a mile down the street like a mile, and she tells her husband..."Wade, we CAN'T move..." and he says..."Geeze Nadine it's only a mile away..." and she says, "yeah, I know, but I'm afraid I'd never see YOU."
Happy lunching today...I'll talk to you this afternoon.