Good Morning, chica! Happy SATURDAY! I hope this finds you happy happy! BTW...pass along tomorrow...heat index here in lovely Indiana...110 degrees. BLAHHHH!!!
Last night was so much fun! We went shopping and I got an $80 swim suit for $12!!! I was BUGGIN!!! Then we went to the fair and rode a couple of rides and enjoyed a nutritious dinner of elephant ears, cotton candy, and lemon-shake-ups. *sigh*
I then came home and got on the phone with cousin Bri who knows all about the festivities this weekend, and who I needed to help me pick out a wardrobe for the weekend. An hour and 1/2 later, I had my 2 SUITCASES packed for a WEEKEND of entertainment! She kept saying..."oh, I'd have to see it..." Finally, she said, "don't you have a digital camera?" LOL...guess that's going to be my next toy.
So, I'm headed out right after work today, and nervous-nervous-excited about this weekend. I feel like my skin is's like being a kid on Christmas Eve. No matter what happens this weekend, my family has already given me the best gift...the ability to feel this way again.
Have a tremendous weekend, doll...I'll catch you upon my return. Pass along my wishes for a safe journey for the family...
Last night was so much fun! We went shopping and I got an $80 swim suit for $12!!! I was BUGGIN!!! Then we went to the fair and rode a couple of rides and enjoyed a nutritious dinner of elephant ears, cotton candy, and lemon-shake-ups. *sigh*
I then came home and got on the phone with cousin Bri who knows all about the festivities this weekend, and who I needed to help me pick out a wardrobe for the weekend. An hour and 1/2 later, I had my 2 SUITCASES packed for a WEEKEND of entertainment! She kept saying..."oh, I'd have to see it..." Finally, she said, "don't you have a digital camera?" LOL...guess that's going to be my next toy.
So, I'm headed out right after work today, and nervous-nervous-excited about this weekend. I feel like my skin is's like being a kid on Christmas Eve. No matter what happens this weekend, my family has already given me the best gift...the ability to feel this way again.
Have a tremendous weekend, doll...I'll catch you upon my return.
Any more word on the job possibilities??