Thanks to everyones nice words. Everyone was so damn sweet. That helped a lot.
Dinner was interesting. I invited two close friends that I work with and this guy Brian that is friends with Bill and I that we never get to see cause he is always on tour with his band. I cooked steak and shrimp on the grill and made this homeade shrimp sauce and it all turned out so yummy! I was very pleased. Brian got so drunk half of it wound up on the floor with him next to it.
Not a pretty sight. Too many shots.
After he passed out we all drank some more and watched Boondock Saints.
So pretty successful evening overall.
I have fucking Jury Duty on Monday. I am going to dress like a whore and bring a Satanic Bible and see if that will get me out of it.
Do YOU have any ideas on what could help get them to excuse me? Wish me luck!
How was your night?
Dinner was interesting. I invited two close friends that I work with and this guy Brian that is friends with Bill and I that we never get to see cause he is always on tour with his band. I cooked steak and shrimp on the grill and made this homeade shrimp sauce and it all turned out so yummy! I was very pleased. Brian got so drunk half of it wound up on the floor with him next to it.

After he passed out we all drank some more and watched Boondock Saints.
So pretty successful evening overall.
I have fucking Jury Duty on Monday. I am going to dress like a whore and bring a Satanic Bible and see if that will get me out of it.
Do YOU have any ideas on what could help get them to excuse me? Wish me luck!
How was your night?

i got out of jury duty by walking in and saying "so where do the anti semites sign up?" hee hee the look on people's faces was priceless! ah lovely Boondock man and i love that movie
our living situation is just sux that we have to go through all this bs just to get the money we deserve
and the fact that we thought he was our friend is a new set is slow going up because i have been so friggin lazy these past few days
lol damn chilly are you doing?

i just posted an "event" on the board, so hopefully we'll get a few takers and we'll rock out the recher. that's where i saw them last time, with iron boss from carroll county and some other band i can't a-membah. for some reason i am feeling inclined to talk like buh-wheat today. o-tay?