Well bored again this evening. Was a good girl and did all my dishes and cleaned up early so to entertaim myself I shot a little set for John. Sorry but the set is for his eyes only. Here is a little sneak peak. Don't mind the messy hair I had it tied up all day.

I used to eat out a lot, now I have not eaten out in about a month, except sushi I still eat that. I eat chicken chicken chicken and veggies and have cut down on a lot of carbs (i am a carb not sweets junkie).
I started running, that seems to be really speeding shit up! I'm hoping to run in a 10K this summer sometime, and I want to climb the CN Tower stairs. Girl's gotta have goals.
I've been drinking meal replacement shakes and eating the bars too, some of them are pretty nasty but I"m getting used to eating stuff I dont like. God listen to me go on about it I am boring myself! LOL