What a day. I woke up with the worst pains in the world in my abdominal area. It only got worse as the early morning progressed so I called work, and my parents and decided to go to the emergency as I was afraid it was another massive bladder infection that had taken my left kidney along for the ride. I get to the emergency at the hospital, walk in and decide I'm feeling better and realise the wait would have been 5-6 hours. So I turn back around in the rain and drive home. Took the morning off and got some rest. Then went into work for the afternoon, come home then go to my doctor's appointment tonight for a follow up on my last bladder infection. Yet another jar of pee they want from me wednesday morning. I'm becoming a professional pee sample maker. Then rush to the Toyota dealership for my urgent appointment with the breaks. Apparently I wore through the two front break disks. Ugh! I drive out of there 450$ less in my pocket but at least the car is safe now. There's today's big boring adventures. I'm about to go to bed, but first I must show you the virtual and futur me thanks to a little tool i got from mr_clean:
Me now.
me in the future.
on that note, good night.

Me now.

me in the future.
on that note, good night.
ps, i tried that future me thing out and i like the way id look if i lost 60 lbs. i gotta get working on that.
Do you really wanna be all skinny like that?