Okay so I spent like 140 some odd dollars on FOOD for this supposed diet. I must have looked like a lost kitten in the ethnic food store near work when I was trying to figure out if the can I was holding was actually hummus. I'm still not sure it's what I bought but I'll find out soon. All great foods mind you, nothing processed, lots of low or no fat organic versions..all whole wheat and multi grain even down to the brown rice. It goes with my new hair philosophy, no mean shampoos but use Deva products only and let air dry. I'm a total convert thanks to the teachings of Girlie It's not lather than cleans, it's motion! That's my new hair mantra.
Just so I can say I took some here are some pics taken tonight, but don't judge the hair. It's been tied up all day and I've been running around in the rain. It looks blonde because of the light but it's still auburn..anyways here ya go. Content yourselves:
Just so I can say I took some here are some pics taken tonight, but don't judge the hair. It's been tied up all day and I've been running around in the rain. It looks blonde because of the light but it's still auburn..anyways here ya go. Content yourselves:
