Hmmph kay so yay i'm back home in MY HOME!! Wheeeeee! I've been living at my parents house for the past 10 days taking care of my parrot and their house while they were on a cruise. They are home safe and sound and I'm back to my old life. Living CLOSE to work, picking up after myself when I WANT TO, and watching the Osbournes buck naked on my bed. Why? Because I can. I love feeling like a kid in a grownup's house. I should enjoy it right now because it's not going to last.
I'm going food shopping tomorrow and starting the Abs Diet. No it's not a diet fad, it's not some special Atkins-esque diet, as a matter of fact it's not a diet. It's just sensible low fat, high protein, high vegies, and whole grains..less refined crap and healhy stuff. All stuff i've been meaning to move towards. Oh and more exercise. But duh..i'm paying for a membership might as well use it.
I'm in such a good mood I don't wanna go to bed. Well I'll get back to work on my sites tomorrow and maybe even take a few pics of my new wavy/curly 'do courtesy of Girlie, but tomorrow..I gotsta sleep now. Night night.
I'm going food shopping tomorrow and starting the Abs Diet. No it's not a diet fad, it's not some special Atkins-esque diet, as a matter of fact it's not a diet. It's just sensible low fat, high protein, high vegies, and whole grains..less refined crap and healhy stuff. All stuff i've been meaning to move towards. Oh and more exercise. But duh..i'm paying for a membership might as well use it.
I'm in such a good mood I don't wanna go to bed. Well I'll get back to work on my sites tomorrow and maybe even take a few pics of my new wavy/curly 'do courtesy of Girlie, but tomorrow..I gotsta sleep now. Night night.

yeah good luck w/that diet. let me know how it's workin.