Not much to talk about.
I miss my parents too much. They are gone on a 10 day cruise down south. I feel very alone this week. However Girlie is an angel, she sent me a lovely gift which i'm going to get here at work today. I can't wait!
On my drive to work this morning from my parents house right before I turned off onto the highway I saw this duck wandering around the busy street. My heart jumped into my throat and my eyes widened. This is not a normal occurance for that area. I did this crazy U turn in the middle of the busy traffic to park my car in a nearby parking lot so I could go catch the duck and bring it somewhere safer. However by the time I got out of the car to look for it, he was magically all the way across the street and wandering into the Pizza Hut parking lot which seemed a bit safer. I decided to just leave him be and let nature take it's course since it would be virtually impossible for me to cut across 4 lanes of heavy morning traffic to go get him. So I crossed my fingers for him and drove off to work. Sometimes I think I'm weird.
I miss my parents too much. They are gone on a 10 day cruise down south. I feel very alone this week. However Girlie is an angel, she sent me a lovely gift which i'm going to get here at work today. I can't wait!

On my drive to work this morning from my parents house right before I turned off onto the highway I saw this duck wandering around the busy street. My heart jumped into my throat and my eyes widened. This is not a normal occurance for that area. I did this crazy U turn in the middle of the busy traffic to park my car in a nearby parking lot so I could go catch the duck and bring it somewhere safer. However by the time I got out of the car to look for it, he was magically all the way across the street and wandering into the Pizza Hut parking lot which seemed a bit safer. I decided to just leave him be and let nature take it's course since it would be virtually impossible for me to cut across 4 lanes of heavy morning traffic to go get him. So I crossed my fingers for him and drove off to work. Sometimes I think I'm weird.
drink a guiness and know that all is well wwith the duck.
How are things with the man?