what a fucking headache! my parents are back to mistrusting my bf and giving me a hard time. i fucking hate this. it's actually abusing MY trust what they are doing. i so totally tell them too much. i'm the real idiot here. i'm not talking to anyone about anything anymore. gah..i just did it again. someone gag me.

hey girl hang in there...how is the moving process coming along? did i tell you my roomate is vacating? and we may have to move to,i found out on Friday...life, uphill downhill...ya never know...hey if ever you need and impartial ear, i'm all here!
Why do they say that they mistrust your boyfriend? It's awful when parents use what you've told them against you. The fact that you might discuss small problems or reservations with them doesn't mean that they have the right to use it as "Evidence" against you. Anyways, if you want to chat, my msn name is a_e_schnell@hotmail.com, and my aol is anthrochiklet. I hope you feel better. In any event, it would be super nice to talk to you again.