I'm pleased with this crazy day after all. At the moment i'm baking some granola in the oven with honey and almonds and will have it with some vanilla yogurt and fruit as a late supper. I ended up bringing my first big batch of giveaway stuff from the triage/cleanup/purge-o-thon that I did. Feels good. I donated some books to the library even though they looked at me like I had two heads when I told them they were English books (damn Laval librarian snobs) and then my old glasses to the optometrist who has some kind of glasses for the poor program, and last but not least 2 bags full of junk and clothes and knick knacks from my past to the 2nd hand shop. I feel good to get rid of the stuff, i've got more room, i'll have less junk to during the big move, and if it benefits someone who needs that stuff all the better I say.
I've now got about 10 garbage bags on my back balcony. I should so drag them downstairs one by one, but my back just don't hear of it. So...maybe my sweet brother will "help" me later on tonight when he comes over. He's coming to get first dibs on the box of cds i'm giving away, and also a few things that I won't be bringing with me to the US like my 600+ huge black cd rack, some big dvd racks, shelves and etc. Now I only have to get rid of my ever growing garbage bag full of diet pepsi cans and 2 weeks worth of recycling.
The only things that will be left to do before the move now are call the landlord and make sure he won't be an ass and not let me end my lease. This is their first building they own since like december and so far they are pretty flexible so I should have a prob. Then i'll have to find a buyer for all 5 of my brand-fucking-new (I heart my 2 door fridge *sniff sniff*) and call all the bill people like sattelite company, phone, hydro, isp etc..and cancel my accounts. After that check out what is to happen with my car if I can bring it to the states and last but not least who's taking the leftover furniture like bedroom set, couches, table and chairs. I'll probably have like 10 boxes and my paintings to move. Not so bad considering it took me 2 weeks to move everything from my last apartment into this one as I did it by myself. Anyways, there is still plenty of time, but the purging of junk always feels good.
In the meantime...check out the very pretty Kiki

I've now got about 10 garbage bags on my back balcony. I should so drag them downstairs one by one, but my back just don't hear of it. So...maybe my sweet brother will "help" me later on tonight when he comes over. He's coming to get first dibs on the box of cds i'm giving away, and also a few things that I won't be bringing with me to the US like my 600+ huge black cd rack, some big dvd racks, shelves and etc. Now I only have to get rid of my ever growing garbage bag full of diet pepsi cans and 2 weeks worth of recycling.
The only things that will be left to do before the move now are call the landlord and make sure he won't be an ass and not let me end my lease. This is their first building they own since like december and so far they are pretty flexible so I should have a prob. Then i'll have to find a buyer for all 5 of my brand-fucking-new (I heart my 2 door fridge *sniff sniff*) and call all the bill people like sattelite company, phone, hydro, isp etc..and cancel my accounts. After that check out what is to happen with my car if I can bring it to the states and last but not least who's taking the leftover furniture like bedroom set, couches, table and chairs. I'll probably have like 10 boxes and my paintings to move. Not so bad considering it took me 2 weeks to move everything from my last apartment into this one as I did it by myself. Anyways, there is still plenty of time, but the purging of junk always feels good.
In the meantime...check out the very pretty Kiki

Good Luck with the moving, dollface. I've done it twice in the past year.
and kiki is really cute.