happy saturday morning. i just woke up about 20 minutes ago and yes *blush* i'm already on the dang comp. well can you blame me? it still has it's 'new toy' glow to it and i'm hoping to get some actual use out of sometime this weekend.
last night i went to the 'cabane a sucre' (aka the sugar shack) with co-workers as it was a social club organized event. whew. it actually turned out to be fun, i didn't end up eating much (which is good) and i ended up having to drive people from where we were [if you know Quebec geography we were in around Mirabel but seriously DEEP in Mirabel, near St-Scholastique!] all the way to Montreal about a good 45 minute run. But it was all good, I had a nice convo with our new network admin about Russia, Communism, Argentina, and strip malls. He's very quiet at work, but it was cool hearing his observations on such things as he is from Russia and still has a very very thick Russian accent.
I dropped them off at the metro near where I went to College and hadn't been back in that area since. Well I ended up taking a wrong turn as when I was familiar with that area it was on foot and I didn't have a car yet. Well I ended up face to face with my Alma Mater and it's funny how many memories came gushing back in an instant. I drove around the campus and remembered how much those years had changed me and opened my mind to so many things.
It was such an intense throwback down memory lane that as I waited on the corner for the light to turn green I was totally disoriented as to where I was going. As if I was about to hop on 2 busses to make the treck back to my parents home (like back then). I think the fatigue added to it, but it was odd just the same.
As for this weekend my bf is currently purging all his stuff that he doesn't need. He's planning on moving and well we're talking about me going with him. Everyone i've mentioned this to have given me disapproving tongue clicks and eye rolls. It really makes me mad how people are so quick to judge what is right or wrong for another person without knowing any of the circumstances surrounding them. There are soo many situtations where people are worse off and are in situations they had no decision or control over. This is my informed and adult decision and in the end for my own happiness. What if when my ancestors told their parents/family/friends that they were selling everything and crossing the ocean to a place called Canada from Italy and German that they were discouraged. What then? My parents would never have met, I would never have been born. We would all of had a very different life. But somewhere along the way some people on each sides of my family were brave enough, and sure enough about their decisions to act upon them, despite what anyone said. It was their lives and they were going to do what they thought was right.
Albeit I haven't had THAT much resistance to the idea as I haven't told many people. Maybe even less than a handfull just to gauge reactions. In any case nothing is set in stone, and I'm not even the one who can start the ball rolling for my immigration so no point in getting stressed about the idea of moving or anything. My main thing to do right now is clean up and somehow get my brother to move everything out by Monday at the latest. The place is an ungodly mess as we're in semi-moved out state or at least my brother is, and I can't stand disorder. I think i'm going to attack the bulk of the cleaning today, maybe do a little market shopping for veggies and hopefully get some work done on my sites.
On this very long and drawn out note, I wish you all a wonderful weekend. xo
last night i went to the 'cabane a sucre' (aka the sugar shack) with co-workers as it was a social club organized event. whew. it actually turned out to be fun, i didn't end up eating much (which is good) and i ended up having to drive people from where we were [if you know Quebec geography we were in around Mirabel but seriously DEEP in Mirabel, near St-Scholastique!] all the way to Montreal about a good 45 minute run. But it was all good, I had a nice convo with our new network admin about Russia, Communism, Argentina, and strip malls. He's very quiet at work, but it was cool hearing his observations on such things as he is from Russia and still has a very very thick Russian accent.
I dropped them off at the metro near where I went to College and hadn't been back in that area since. Well I ended up taking a wrong turn as when I was familiar with that area it was on foot and I didn't have a car yet. Well I ended up face to face with my Alma Mater and it's funny how many memories came gushing back in an instant. I drove around the campus and remembered how much those years had changed me and opened my mind to so many things.
It was such an intense throwback down memory lane that as I waited on the corner for the light to turn green I was totally disoriented as to where I was going. As if I was about to hop on 2 busses to make the treck back to my parents home (like back then). I think the fatigue added to it, but it was odd just the same.
As for this weekend my bf is currently purging all his stuff that he doesn't need. He's planning on moving and well we're talking about me going with him. Everyone i've mentioned this to have given me disapproving tongue clicks and eye rolls. It really makes me mad how people are so quick to judge what is right or wrong for another person without knowing any of the circumstances surrounding them. There are soo many situtations where people are worse off and are in situations they had no decision or control over. This is my informed and adult decision and in the end for my own happiness. What if when my ancestors told their parents/family/friends that they were selling everything and crossing the ocean to a place called Canada from Italy and German that they were discouraged. What then? My parents would never have met, I would never have been born. We would all of had a very different life. But somewhere along the way some people on each sides of my family were brave enough, and sure enough about their decisions to act upon them, despite what anyone said. It was their lives and they were going to do what they thought was right.
Albeit I haven't had THAT much resistance to the idea as I haven't told many people. Maybe even less than a handfull just to gauge reactions. In any case nothing is set in stone, and I'm not even the one who can start the ball rolling for my immigration so no point in getting stressed about the idea of moving or anything. My main thing to do right now is clean up and somehow get my brother to move everything out by Monday at the latest. The place is an ungodly mess as we're in semi-moved out state or at least my brother is, and I can't stand disorder. I think i'm going to attack the bulk of the cleaning today, maybe do a little market shopping for veggies and hopefully get some work done on my sites.
On this very long and drawn out note, I wish you all a wonderful weekend. xo

-wouldn't have my job right now
- would be without tattoos right now
- wouldn't have gone teaching in Africa
- wouldn't still live where I live...and am happy
- probly would still be a virgin!!!
Be good, or bad... or none of the above, as you wish!
( et maintenant une question spring spring!