so the hair makes me look older? that's a very good thing, cause i still look like a kid! i got carded at a pool hall last week!
yeah, i'm doing the phoenix forum. i didn't get to mingle and wheel and deal in vegas, so i wanna make up for it.
i think i'm gonna hide from JFK! he always gets me at my worst moments. he took a pic of me and greg jones from 2much a few weeks ago and i look deranged!
arvo=aussie for afternoon
kidneys have been fine its just that ive had the prob 5 times in the last 12 months so the specialist wanted to see me. he wanted to look into my bladder.YUK! also i said i had my period can it wait. he said it didnt matter . i said it did!
so im going back in 2 weeks. you see i dont get urinary infections that lead to kidney infec. it seems to by pass the bladder and go straight to my kidneys. im sooooo sick of it. but as long as i take my cranberry tabs im fine. hanging out to see your beautiful art work. i soooooooo wanna buy some hope you have a great day.xxxxx mandy xxxxx
so the hair makes me look older? that's a very good thing, cause i still look like a kid! i got carded at a pool hall last week!
yeah, i'm doing the phoenix forum. i didn't get to mingle and wheel and deal in vegas, so i wanna make up for it.
i think i'm gonna hide from JFK! he always gets me at my worst moments. he took a pic of me and greg jones from 2much a few weeks ago and i look deranged!
kidneys have been fine its just that ive had the prob 5 times in the last 12 months so the specialist wanted to see me. he wanted to look into my bladder.YUK! also i said i had my period can it wait. he said it didnt matter . i said it did!
so im going back in 2 weeks. you see i dont get urinary infections that lead to kidney infec. it seems to by pass the bladder and go straight to my kidneys. im sooooo sick of it. but as long as i take my cranberry tabs im fine. hanging out to see your beautiful art work. i soooooooo wanna buy some