Okay so the day is over once again. Working on the porn flick after work doing subtitles was fun for the first day but now it's just getting boring. Tonight I had to translate the anal sex class...needless to say i'll be having nightmares about anal douching.
amazing news, I just checked the status of my Dell 4700 and it's being SHIPPED! *does happy dance*
But will either get here, friday, monday or tuesday. DOH!
I got some good inside info today @ work which pretty much guarantees that when I move to Ottawa with my bf that the company will let me work remotely. I mean there is no good reason why the hell not, we're an online porn company for crying out loud! Anyways, i've got an eggplant parmesan casserole in the oven (yes @ 9:30pm..so what? i'm on a tight schedual!) and it smells divine. It's Sex and the City night..w00t w00t.

amazing news, I just checked the status of my Dell 4700 and it's being SHIPPED! *does happy dance*

I got some good inside info today @ work which pretty much guarantees that when I move to Ottawa with my bf that the company will let me work remotely. I mean there is no good reason why the hell not, we're an online porn company for crying out loud! Anyways, i've got an eggplant parmesan casserole in the oven (yes @ 9:30pm..so what? i'm on a tight schedual!) and it smells divine. It's Sex and the City night..w00t w00t.

Sorry to bother you I know your not the owner of PSW anymore but I want to take all my sets down, do I just ask Sorcha to do it or do I do it myself?