day three of said kidney infection. i'm about ready to get off this ride. im sick of laying around doing nothing. i got over zealous this morning and walked to the corner store to get some eggs for breakfast. mistake. when i came back up the stairs my right kidney was throbbing again. what the fuck???
these pills are doing shitty things to me. drying up my skin! i'm in full body shed mode even though yesterday i polished off six bottles of water during the day. i'm slowly working my way through my huge bottle of baby oil as i'm slathering my skin in it every 2-3 hours. i'm trying not to take the pain killers unless the pain is unbearable. i'm not a fan of pills normally.
im normally a person who needs and likes to feel productive on a day off. this doing nothing and getting bed rest is driving me slowly nuts. i keep compiling a mental list of all the things i could change about my place. cleaning out closets, rearanging drawers.
tomorrow i have to go back to work. i never thought i would be so happy to get out of the house, even if it was for work. I just finished watching "motorcycle diaries" with my brother. It's the movie about Che Guevera. Interesting, I would recommend it. It reminded me how much I should just get in my car one weekend and drive. I think as soon as i'm feeling better i'm going to drive over to Ottawa and visit the city. I don't really like travelling with someone else. I guess i've learned to be independant living on my own. I'm not so much a social creature anymore. It's something I should work on eventually (being more social that is) but not something that is urgent in my life at the moment.
Have a good day all. Do something productive for me.

these pills are doing shitty things to me. drying up my skin! i'm in full body shed mode even though yesterday i polished off six bottles of water during the day. i'm slowly working my way through my huge bottle of baby oil as i'm slathering my skin in it every 2-3 hours. i'm trying not to take the pain killers unless the pain is unbearable. i'm not a fan of pills normally.
im normally a person who needs and likes to feel productive on a day off. this doing nothing and getting bed rest is driving me slowly nuts. i keep compiling a mental list of all the things i could change about my place. cleaning out closets, rearanging drawers.
tomorrow i have to go back to work. i never thought i would be so happy to get out of the house, even if it was for work. I just finished watching "motorcycle diaries" with my brother. It's the movie about Che Guevera. Interesting, I would recommend it. It reminded me how much I should just get in my car one weekend and drive. I think as soon as i'm feeling better i'm going to drive over to Ottawa and visit the city. I don't really like travelling with someone else. I guess i've learned to be independant living on my own. I'm not so much a social creature anymore. It's something I should work on eventually (being more social that is) but not something that is urgent in my life at the moment.
Have a good day all. Do something productive for me.
hey, i think you did the right thing with PSW. just thought i should let you know.