okay today just SUCKS! the coworker i just spent a week with in Cuba has been convicted of fraud, she's also the person who bought my first painting. which makes me feel like a double suck because I now i'm back to zero paintings sold, though i get to keep the first 300$ payment on it and get the painting back. my throat is starting to hurt and i've been tired all day. i caaaaaaan't get sick before at least next monday! i wore this green eyeshadow i never wear to go with my green top, and everyone told me i looked tired (which reminded me why i never wear that damn eyeshadow). it was grey and rainy all day. i walked around the mall to get my bf a valentines' day present and have sooo no clue what to get. so far i've bought a card. i suck. to top it off i come home to find my baby black goldfish Charlie belly up.
Mega suck. The only good thing about the whole damn day is my boyfriend calling me at work, and sending me an uber sweet email. I *heart* him.

Well at least you can cheer up when you meet all us SG members friday! I just hope my new job won't keep me from going myself...
Don't be saddish, have a radish!