10:40 am, dec 27th.
still no man in sight.
trouble at the border last night.
he's flying in on thursday.
i decided to go to work to distract myself.
i'll survive. just keep dancing.

still no man in sight.
trouble at the border last night.
he's flying in on thursday.
i decided to go to work to distract myself.
i'll survive. just keep dancing.

(and anything that makes you come to my bed can't be all that bad can it???? that's so selfish but honestly what I was thinking *giggles)
I'm sorry honey, he'll get there I'm sure. It totally sucks that he's delayed and had all those problems, I must be so frustrating. I know I'm the most impatient person in the world so if I counted down to something as big as this which I'm sure you have and then this happened I would just want to cry.
But smile for honey, you're so cute when you do, he'll get there....