::The Final Countdown!::
days till I xmas: 5
days till I see my man: 6
days till...blah Vegas..Cuba they are next month far enough away.
I need to start a fire under me to get myself moving. I think maybe it hasn't sunk into my thick skull just HOW MUCH shit I have to do this week, because I can't seem to finish stuff. I'm getting distracted way too easily. Thankfully the xmas shopping is done and all is wrapped. I dragged out the xmas decorations and put that stuff up..so my place is xmas-ified for when my whole fam-damily come over.
This week includes tomorrow which is my mom's bday so dinner at my parents' place tomorrow. Then wednesday is my baby brother's 22nd bday so again dinner at my parents' place. Then thursday I have to finish cleaning my damn flat which still isn't finished. When I get nervous I start compulsively micro-cleaning like picking lint off the carpet and windex-ing floorboards..it's a DISEASE haha. The problem is, it takes me 3 days to clean a 2 bedroom apartment. Yeash.
Well thursday I have to do a huge ass grocery shopping and make traditional German potatoe salad as i'm having my parents and brother over for Christmas Eve and at everyone's request I will have to perform the miracle of recreating our traditional German xmas feast with my two unskilled hands. Potatoe Salad, Knackvost, Red Cabbage, Meatball soup, and some kind of desert that will magically appear. I also have an appointment right after work to get my streaks done at my hair dresser which means i'll only be able to hit the stores at like 9ish which means this girl ain't going to bed till midnight EASY.
Thankfully I have friday off and aside from cooking all day the only other thing I have to go out for is a nice relaxing (riiiiight!) leg waxing in the afternoon. Then limp back home to finish setting table etc. Dinner is served at 5 since later on the same evening we're invited to my cousin's for what the French call "Reveillon" which I don't fully understand the concept of yet (since my family isn't French) but you basically wait till midnight then eat and the kids get to open presents. Need I tell you i'll be sticking to the bubbly that late in the evening, that is if I haven't already passed out in a corner from exhaustion?
Next morning is xmas and again with the tradition i'm expected over at my parents' for breakfast and to exchange presents with the family. Later that day we're going over to my Italian grandparents (woo better wear the pants with lots of STRETCH to this one) for supper which is about uhhh 5 courses and then coffee and cake. The next morning I wake up, primp myself for the arrival later that day of my boo who will be driving for 10 hours to come see me. He's the best part of this whole xmas head spinning season.
days till I xmas: 5
days till I see my man: 6
days till...blah Vegas..Cuba they are next month far enough away.
I need to start a fire under me to get myself moving. I think maybe it hasn't sunk into my thick skull just HOW MUCH shit I have to do this week, because I can't seem to finish stuff. I'm getting distracted way too easily. Thankfully the xmas shopping is done and all is wrapped. I dragged out the xmas decorations and put that stuff up..so my place is xmas-ified for when my whole fam-damily come over.
This week includes tomorrow which is my mom's bday so dinner at my parents' place tomorrow. Then wednesday is my baby brother's 22nd bday so again dinner at my parents' place. Then thursday I have to finish cleaning my damn flat which still isn't finished. When I get nervous I start compulsively micro-cleaning like picking lint off the carpet and windex-ing floorboards..it's a DISEASE haha. The problem is, it takes me 3 days to clean a 2 bedroom apartment. Yeash.
Well thursday I have to do a huge ass grocery shopping and make traditional German potatoe salad as i'm having my parents and brother over for Christmas Eve and at everyone's request I will have to perform the miracle of recreating our traditional German xmas feast with my two unskilled hands. Potatoe Salad, Knackvost, Red Cabbage, Meatball soup, and some kind of desert that will magically appear. I also have an appointment right after work to get my streaks done at my hair dresser which means i'll only be able to hit the stores at like 9ish which means this girl ain't going to bed till midnight EASY.
Thankfully I have friday off and aside from cooking all day the only other thing I have to go out for is a nice relaxing (riiiiight!) leg waxing in the afternoon. Then limp back home to finish setting table etc. Dinner is served at 5 since later on the same evening we're invited to my cousin's for what the French call "Reveillon" which I don't fully understand the concept of yet (since my family isn't French) but you basically wait till midnight then eat and the kids get to open presents. Need I tell you i'll be sticking to the bubbly that late in the evening, that is if I haven't already passed out in a corner from exhaustion?
Next morning is xmas and again with the tradition i'm expected over at my parents' for breakfast and to exchange presents with the family. Later that day we're going over to my Italian grandparents (woo better wear the pants with lots of STRETCH to this one) for supper which is about uhhh 5 courses and then coffee and cake. The next morning I wake up, primp myself for the arrival later that day of my boo who will be driving for 10 hours to come see me. He's the best part of this whole xmas head spinning season.

thank you thank you...and good luck on the german xmas... i cant cook either if it makes u feel better lol