Alrighty. The office is all moved and thanks to this nifty new place I get a great view onto the nearby wooded area and far off in the distance I can even see the Olympic Stadium (which is on another island - Montreal!) People really like the hair, and I have to say that I am one of them. Some of the negatives of this new office though are the horrible neon lights in the ceiling that are torturing my eyes. We're having the electrician come in this afternoon to take them out so we can light with halogen lamps which is more soothing. Another poopy thing is that everyone can see my screen when they walk by, so no SG 'cept for during lunch hour. Which isn't such a bad thing, keeps me working more during the day. Also I do like facing the window like this...below are some pics of the new hair and my view. By the way, you guys are the absolute CUTEST for going to comment in MoosyFate's journal about how lucky he is. I guess we'll have to wait and see if this all works out. I confirmed today that i'll be taking off for Varaderro, Cuba from January 24th till the 2nd of February. W00t!! My first real vacation! I have to go shopping for clothes..what to wear on vacay?? Suggestions are appreciated, including curve conscious suggestions on how to deal with beach and booty and baaaah!
my clocks
my desk & view


my clocks

my desk & view

You HAVE to let me know how Cuba is -- my father showed me photos from Puerto Rico in the 50s and 60s and told me this is pretty much where Cuba entered a time warp. Stupid embargoes -- bonus to be Canadian when it comes to Cuba.
The new hair still looks awesome -- the extensions blended so well! Your stylist did a great job.
PS: Distance is hard, I wish both of you the best, but know if you want it, it will work! XOXO
as for the bathing suit issue tommy bahama has these really cute 2 piece suits with built in little skirts that i plan on getting for my next trip to santo domingo next summer.