well all I have to say is WOW thanks for all the amazingly sweet comments you guys left me about my new hair!
even MoosyFate my sweetness likes it.
well at work we've moved into the new office as of this morning. for most of the day we didn't have net access so I unpacked boxes and reprogrammed the darn phone system since it was erased in the move. my desk is great, and next to a huge window. the only thing I don't like is the super bright fluorescent lighting. i'll find a way to make sure my department isn't being bothered by that anymore and use halogen lamps which are much softer. well so much to do tonight, but I wanted to drop by and update. thanks again all *hugs*

Just logged on for the forst time in forever. I have been busy working and with family stuff thanks for making me feel missed tho. I will come back and read all about your hair later.