I would like to officially change the intended meaning for this image. The original person's who's initial this was created for didn't deserve it. The present one does, over and over.

In other news this morning Estelle Desanges was here at work hanging about the office. She's like a massively huge pornstar from France. She's sweet to be around. Other than that I might be going Las Vegas at the beginning of January and then Cuba for 10 days towards the end of Jan. A friend of mine has convinced me to try out hair extentions for kicks. I promise to do a set if they turn out half decent. Dare I say everything is lovely at the moment? I did all my xmas shopping in a 4 hour sprint yesterday afternoon when I took the afternoon off. I'm also discovering 'The Cure' as all their albums are apparently on our MP3 server @ work....iiinteresting. Have a great w-e.

yay for vegas that's very near me! you should take a short detour to visit me!!