Wednesday hit like a gong!
I took yesterday and Monday afternoon off work. I ended up not doing that much, just watching tv, doing some laundry, the usual stuff. But it reminded me that if I were to eventually stay home with kids that I would have to be immensely disciplined or I would just eat and watch tv all day.
I think it takes more discipline to stay home rather than follow the urban pulse and go to work at an office.
The programmer in my team is being a real brat. He's giving me a hard time and being very snotty to me and it's making me so frustrated. The kind of lazy bugger that will fight to the death so he doesn't have to redo something. Like complaining about deadlines I deadline I would set would be far enough in advance for him. Freakin' complainer.
Oddly enough after my grandmother's comments on Sunday about wanting me to hurry up and have kids, my mom did me in again last night. We were at my cousin's place because she was hosting "Creative Memories" class my aunt was giving (scrapbooking company like freakin' tupperware parties) and everyone there had baby pictures to make a scrapbook page with and I was using photos from a camping trip I was on. My mom turned to me and blatantly asked me in front of everyone "When are you going to have a baby already?"
I blushed a little, looked at her, then at my watch and mumbled to myself Tuesday, Wednesday...and replied to her "How about next week, is next week good for you?".
Hey...what kind of question is that to ask me in front of everyone. She thinks it's cute and wouldn't ever try to hurt me my mom, she loves me. And in all honesty it doesn't HURT me that people keep asking me that, it just feels silly. Do they really want me to forgoe the dating/relationship/marriage before having a kid? Is it that important? Are they jealous of my freedom? Are they jealous that despite being a chubby girl I was the thinnest of yesterday's group, and also the youngest. Odd...just odd.
Okay, so onwards and upwards with my day. I want to go to the gym today and to tanning tomorrow. But I don't wanna tan my face, just my legs a bit...I need to kick some of my projects into a spotlight, get the gallery thing rolling etc. I need some self-inflicted kudos.
I took yesterday and Monday afternoon off work. I ended up not doing that much, just watching tv, doing some laundry, the usual stuff. But it reminded me that if I were to eventually stay home with kids that I would have to be immensely disciplined or I would just eat and watch tv all day.
I think it takes more discipline to stay home rather than follow the urban pulse and go to work at an office.
The programmer in my team is being a real brat. He's giving me a hard time and being very snotty to me and it's making me so frustrated. The kind of lazy bugger that will fight to the death so he doesn't have to redo something. Like complaining about deadlines I deadline I would set would be far enough in advance for him. Freakin' complainer.

Oddly enough after my grandmother's comments on Sunday about wanting me to hurry up and have kids, my mom did me in again last night. We were at my cousin's place because she was hosting "Creative Memories" class my aunt was giving (scrapbooking company like freakin' tupperware parties) and everyone there had baby pictures to make a scrapbook page with and I was using photos from a camping trip I was on. My mom turned to me and blatantly asked me in front of everyone "When are you going to have a baby already?"

I blushed a little, looked at her, then at my watch and mumbled to myself Tuesday, Wednesday...and replied to her "How about next week, is next week good for you?".

Okay, so onwards and upwards with my day. I want to go to the gym today and to tanning tomorrow. But I don't wanna tan my face, just my legs a bit...I need to kick some of my projects into a spotlight, get the gallery thing rolling etc. I need some self-inflicted kudos.
Hmmm the kid nan seems to be prodding me in that direction too, and really its the last thing I want to do. Particularly having just spent the last 2 weeks and the foreseeable future unemployed.....its so boring just staying at home aggggh...add to that the baby screaming wildly in the apartment next door...urg! That really has done it for me, I don't think I could ever be a stay at home mum...let alone at the moment have the patience to deal with a kid!!
Just go with the flow, its your life, you live it how you want to, not how your family expect you to.
And hey I'll be your programmer
Sin xx
[Edited on Sep 23, 2004 2:18AM]