I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone for their encouragement and support after my last journal entry. You totally blew me away that so many people posted. It was very sweet, and I'm touched.
That being said this week has been horrible in terms of sleep. I should of caught up on lost sleep on sunday night but decided to watch Donnie Darko at 11:30 with my neighbor instead leaving me dead tired yesterday at work. Last night a friend came over and needless to say I slept maybe 3-4 hours in total and now my back is KILLING me.
Ok enough whining for one entry, I know. Ive been very good so far this week in terms of plans, been to the gym and done good sweaty amounts of cardio and totally surpassed my total daily caloric intake with calories burned which is no small feat.
I've also taken up the lovely art form of nail bitting as of late. I have never done this before and am realising it's actually quite painfull. However I'm already a germ freak and compulsive hand washer, you mix that together with sticking your fingers in your mouth equals twice as much hand washing as not to put germies in my mouth. *sigh*
I want coffee...you know I haven't even left for work yet. Hehe..ok motivation to get off ass and get in car and drive to work: BIG ASS COFFEE!
Have a great day, love u ALL!!
That being said this week has been horrible in terms of sleep. I should of caught up on lost sleep on sunday night but decided to watch Donnie Darko at 11:30 with my neighbor instead leaving me dead tired yesterday at work. Last night a friend came over and needless to say I slept maybe 3-4 hours in total and now my back is KILLING me.
Ok enough whining for one entry, I know. Ive been very good so far this week in terms of plans, been to the gym and done good sweaty amounts of cardio and totally surpassed my total daily caloric intake with calories burned which is no small feat.
I've also taken up the lovely art form of nail bitting as of late. I have never done this before and am realising it's actually quite painfull. However I'm already a germ freak and compulsive hand washer, you mix that together with sticking your fingers in your mouth equals twice as much hand washing as not to put germies in my mouth. *sigh*
I want coffee...you know I haven't even left for work yet. Hehe..ok motivation to get off ass and get in car and drive to work: BIG ASS COFFEE!
Have a great day, love u ALL!!
Yeah, coffee rocks. Get some sugar in there! Whew.
I bite my nails too, but I'm a guy. Is it different for guys and girls when it comes to bad habits? I think it might be.
Good job, keep up the gym. I need to get back into working out as well. Soon... I guess.
K, bye