Well ladies and gents, I painted my office SuicideGirl Purple! Yep..it's the colour of the LOG OUT button up there. Kind of a grey-ish mauvy colour. It's really cool and I'll be sure to show you in photos later on.
The battle with the red room marches on. I put the second coat of paint on last night, and I think that I got a bit over-enthused because it may have been too thick a layer. The red paint is so liquid and it gives off so much moisture when it dries that all the top part of the walls (all around the room) dried with these drip streaks And I went up this morning before work to see how the rooms dried and since the blazing sun was right in that window I wasn't really sure if it could use a 2nd coat or not. The plan so far is to let it continue to dry really well and then make a decision later on, but what I think may happen is that I have to take a fine sand paper and sand down the drip marks once dried and put the 3rd and last coat on.
The end of the restoration is coming to an end slowly. I have to call the carpet guys to make an appointment to install the new wall to wall carpet, and Future Shop to see if I can get my appliances delivered sooner. *crosses fingers*
CAN'T fucking wait!!
The battle with the red room marches on. I put the second coat of paint on last night, and I think that I got a bit over-enthused because it may have been too thick a layer. The red paint is so liquid and it gives off so much moisture when it dries that all the top part of the walls (all around the room) dried with these drip streaks And I went up this morning before work to see how the rooms dried and since the blazing sun was right in that window I wasn't really sure if it could use a 2nd coat or not. The plan so far is to let it continue to dry really well and then make a decision later on, but what I think may happen is that I have to take a fine sand paper and sand down the drip marks once dried and put the 3rd and last coat on.
The end of the restoration is coming to an end slowly. I have to call the carpet guys to make an appointment to install the new wall to wall carpet, and Future Shop to see if I can get my appliances delivered sooner. *crosses fingers*
CAN'T fucking wait!!
la fille est rusee
can't wait to see the office pics!