Okay I need to talk and think about something other than this breakup. So tell me interesting things that happened to you, make me laugh, just give me some sort of happy diversion so my brain doesn't melt. I feel like i've got these blocks of empty time on my hands and I do during then is think think think. *sigh* How to get over this and get on with life?
Otaku Avitar Maker
At work, I usually park the oppisite way of the cars in the parking lot, so I can pull out instead of backing out. Well, I forgot I didnt do that the other day, and went forward....THUMPBUMP....I ran over the corner of the center planter for a tree. Wow...I amaze myself sometimes.
You were happy in your life before hand. You had things to do, friends, people who made you smile even before he was in your life. You will get that back. Trust me. It takes time, lots of it. But one day, you will wake up and litterally feel so much fucking better. I went through it twice...took me about 1 1/2 years to get over the 2nd one. A few months into it, it got a lot better, but completly gone....a while. Lots of help from friends, new boys/toys, hobbies, and remembering....I lived a happy life before he was even in mine.
and THIS SITE is hours and hours of pointless mindless fun.