Okay, my man is leaving for Disaster Releif in Florida today and as soon as he comes back i'm zoomin' over there to Columbus to jump his bones and give him some good lovin'. I miss him like WOAH (as Girlie would say)!
In other news i'm getting a new car. Yay. I went to meet with my dealer last night since my lease is up soon and i'll be gettin' the 2006 Toyota Yaris, automatic with a/c (thank lord for a/c)!! It's so damn cute this car. The only decision I can't make is the colour. My heart votes for WHITE because it's SOO nice but the logical brain wants SILVER. Places your votes:

In other news i'm getting a new car. Yay. I went to meet with my dealer last night since my lease is up soon and i'll be gettin' the 2006 Toyota Yaris, automatic with a/c (thank lord for a/c)!! It's so damn cute this car. The only decision I can't make is the colour. My heart votes for WHITE because it's SOO nice but the logical brain wants SILVER. Places your votes:


is it just me or does that car look like a hamster?
very cute though.