2 amazing albums have come in the post
Anyone who has never heard Curve or a Hardcore version of Paranoid by Sabbath has not seen it all (and neither have we).
I'm starting the slow climb. Thank you to certain SGUKers.
Also, please note, the Lady pictured is not the one who recently drove me nuts. Now to crack on with the mix CD.

Anyone who has never heard Curve or a Hardcore version of Paranoid by Sabbath has not seen it all (and neither have we).
I'm starting the slow climb. Thank you to certain SGUKers.
Also, please note, the Lady pictured is not the one who recently drove me nuts. Now to crack on with the mix CD.
Sad that they've split up though.
I sent $15 (in US$ notes) to cover postage and said to buy herself a beer for organising this with the change, when I got my exchange CDs the US postal service label was for $7.55 to send it, so this time I'll send $10 instead.
Hope that helps.