Some say they come looking for drugs, dirty dancing and pounding techno music.
Asha DJing= good. Lines and lines and lines. Family guy and Spaced while monging on the couch. A pretty lady with the brightest red hair and a beauty spot curled up there. Monster cat. Piratical nonsense. Glowsticks. 22 this Thursday. This is the good shit. 36 hours awake and fighting for sleep. The night lasting twice as long and off to work after dreamless sleep. We'll soon have you dancing at the discotheque. Hardcore motherfucker. Memories of Prague and Palestine. Flood. And she's a writer, but probably taken. Activate!
EDIT- My god, what the hell...?
I'll decode. Friday I had the 1st part of my birthday celebrations. I left my house at 6.30 pm and did not return until 24 hours later. Asha was DJ'ing (Cheers hun
). There was good music and superb dancing and I snogged an ex Fuck buddy.
The rest stems from the largest consumption of narcotics my body has ever seen. My buddy Graham left the celebrations early and went to his friend Michael's.
We got to Michaels at about 3. I haven't seen him in ages, and by golly, he turned into a hot young man. It's his birthday today I think. Graham got him a 3 japanese sword set ('tis purdy).
Michael's housemate (and possibly, partner, no-ones too sure...) is a writer called Rachael.
She has dyed red hair and is (I'm going to use caps to emphasise...) FUCKING GORGEOUS (le sigh). She has a black cat called Monster. I like it. I shall be procuring a kitten when I move into the new house (with it's Veronan courtyard...
While vegging/ tripping we watched Spaced and Family Guy
I got back to my mine at 7 on Saturday night and slept til midnight feeling like I'd had a full night's sleep. An hour later I slept again, til 6 coz I was working at 7am.
The morning was good, I felt kind of post-coital- battered, heavy eyed, but fucking happy.
The afternoon I was grinning but sleepy. I finished at 7pm and went drinking with the Rock Soc.
Got back to mine at 11 and should not have logged onto MSN
Apologies again to the fine
I'm such a slag.
And this Thursday is the actual birthday. Going to Manc and meeting ex member fallen_seraph (who is need of cheeriness) and my Manc home team. Fun shall be had. Oh yes...
In other news, spring is springing. The crocuses are out

Asha DJing= good. Lines and lines and lines. Family guy and Spaced while monging on the couch. A pretty lady with the brightest red hair and a beauty spot curled up there. Monster cat. Piratical nonsense. Glowsticks. 22 this Thursday. This is the good shit. 36 hours awake and fighting for sleep. The night lasting twice as long and off to work after dreamless sleep. We'll soon have you dancing at the discotheque. Hardcore motherfucker. Memories of Prague and Palestine. Flood. And she's a writer, but probably taken. Activate!

EDIT- My god, what the hell...?
I'll decode. Friday I had the 1st part of my birthday celebrations. I left my house at 6.30 pm and did not return until 24 hours later. Asha was DJ'ing (Cheers hun

The rest stems from the largest consumption of narcotics my body has ever seen. My buddy Graham left the celebrations early and went to his friend Michael's.
We got to Michaels at about 3. I haven't seen him in ages, and by golly, he turned into a hot young man. It's his birthday today I think. Graham got him a 3 japanese sword set ('tis purdy).
Michael's housemate (and possibly, partner, no-ones too sure...) is a writer called Rachael.
She has dyed red hair and is (I'm going to use caps to emphasise...) FUCKING GORGEOUS (le sigh). She has a black cat called Monster. I like it. I shall be procuring a kitten when I move into the new house (with it's Veronan courtyard...

While vegging/ tripping we watched Spaced and Family Guy

I got back to my mine at 7 on Saturday night and slept til midnight feeling like I'd had a full night's sleep. An hour later I slept again, til 6 coz I was working at 7am.
The morning was good, I felt kind of post-coital- battered, heavy eyed, but fucking happy.
The afternoon I was grinning but sleepy. I finished at 7pm and went drinking with the Rock Soc.
Got back to mine at 11 and should not have logged onto MSN

I'm such a slag.
And this Thursday is the actual birthday. Going to Manc and meeting ex member fallen_seraph (who is need of cheeriness) and my Manc home team. Fun shall be had. Oh yes...
In other news, spring is springing. The crocuses are out

Birthday :hugz: and