Back to school! Simple pleasures of a 25 degree day are enough to make one smile on a bright January day. This new MP3 player is coming in quite useful so far for a purpose I had no idea it could be used for: The earphones make great earwarmers.

In other news, I have a tattoo to plan, so I'm out


i have lots of tattoo plans but i have none. I just dont want to deal with my dads wrath in the aftereffect of getting one.
Alright, heres my goal: I am going to jet to Japan after college and collect myself some genuine doritomo tattoo artists and start my OWN damn shop. Whats it's name gonna be you ask? Well..... why,Stained Divinity, my silly little things!!!!! surreal surreal surreal
Listen here all me batties,
There be a wistling in the air,
The kind that makes me buckos dance,
The fire that kidney socks you
With a little side step
And a whole lot of flair.
Fuck! And dag nabbit!
It's time to follow the white Rabbit!

Time to get back to campus tommarrow....One word, PSYCHED!!! tongue tongue tongue biggrin ooo aaa
Well it's a New Year. Many would ask: do you have a New Years Resolution, Mr.Quicksall. Why no I don't my good friends. Unless you count promising myself to work up the gall to get my cock tatted....Oh well...Offer me your love for my wang! eeek love puke
I'd like to state again, for the record, that my new sword is really fucking sharp. New cut on my palm, I need to get Sensei to show me what I am doing wrong when I draw this thing cuz the open wounds on my palm are annoying as fuck when I write....Anyways, still psyced for Feb 14 and SG comming to my shithole hometown....
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hiya hi hi ^_^
I'm steadily getting more and more pumped for the SG Burlesque show here in Columbus. However, Little Brothers is not posting the age restrictions. How the fuck am I supposed to know if I can even get in if I'm 19? Oh well, if anyone can let me know it'd be appreciated. In other news, my woman is back from London and we hads ourselves...
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are YOU gonna make it?

details: click here
Well Kids here we go! It's Wedsnesday...I have a midterm in Japanese History and the big bash at Outland (our local goth club) for All Hallows Eve is on Friday. I still have to get off may ass and get the following:
1) New Fishnet Shirt (I am now NOT-FAT enough to wear one in public)
2) Some new pants (Maybe Vinyl)
3) New Army...
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Shakespeare huh!

how long have you been going to outland, i used to work there!
I have discovered the wonder of VNV Nation, Seraphim Shock, and The Cruxshadows. Thank you, Joseph Haber, for this marvelous gift of Industry. I'm all over this shit. I'm hitting the Columbus goth scene pretty soon. One word: Psyched. biggrin
I am glad your psyched.. there is no better way of being wink
Okay good news folks: I gots myself some collegiate funding. As such, my education will continue...next step (other than getmore money for next year), figure out a major...and recommendations? I don't know if bong hits and doughnuts is a real major but hell, I could figure it out. Love ya'll.

Dust, Josh ooo aaa
well i am going into the forensic field with a major in biochemistry... GOOD for you going to college!! i am orud if you ::sheds a tear::.. and who says you can't be a nerd and have fun?? well good luck with your major search and have fun!.. love ya too ... where are you going to school?
yay for you.
i just need funds all together.
Alright so heres the deal, I gots myself a van...not a recent happening, she's been my mode of transport for a little over 3 months. Thing is the back seats fold into a bed. This has (Mr.Miyagi voice) Grrrreat Potenial. However, due to girlfriends insecurities about public and semi-public sex, I've never had the van slept or sexed in, till now. I intend to sleep...
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fingers crossed for ya smile...wink