I have little to no confidence that anyone would take time to look at my profile when they could be looking at all the fantastic girls...plus nobody really wants to see me naked, not even my woman...She does it out of pity, I'm sure of it.
Yeah so Kendo is kicking my ass, but what do you expect, we hit each other with sticks. I am sore from about my mid-neck all the way to my heels. It doesn't help that I should be getting sleep but instead I insist on gettin on SG every night trying to complete my quest of seeing every pic on every girl's profile...oh well, enough of my bitching...Dust, Josh
Yeah so Kendo is kicking my ass, but what do you expect, we hit each other with sticks. I am sore from about my mid-neck all the way to my heels. It doesn't help that I should be getting sleep but instead I insist on gettin on SG every night trying to complete my quest of seeing every pic on every girl's profile...oh well, enough of my bitching...Dust, Josh

Seeing as how I can never do anything right, lol, I am going to eat soup and go to bed... Dust, Josh