It's Fa-fa-fa-fafaFRIDAAAY! Hooray!!!
I'm just happy at the prospect of being able to see a few of my neighbors. They're cool, and I'm crushing on one of them pretty hard.
Oh, don't worry, I'm not off the track to becoming a nun, this is probably one of those situations where the fantasy is better then the reality. Or so I'm going to keep telling myself. Whatever.
I've been having so much fun at work. I mean really, my job is to teach and delight children all day. How can you go wrong? A bad attitude and the little fuckers can really get on your nerves, but you know what? They're only reflecting your bad mood and lack of creativity. I've been making a concerted effort the last 2 weeks to respond so lovingly and understandingly (which I do about 90% of the time...) and the effect it's had on the mood in the classroom has been fucking phenomnal.
Don't worry, be happy.

I'm just happy at the prospect of being able to see a few of my neighbors. They're cool, and I'm crushing on one of them pretty hard.
Oh, don't worry, I'm not off the track to becoming a nun, this is probably one of those situations where the fantasy is better then the reality. Or so I'm going to keep telling myself. Whatever.
I've been having so much fun at work. I mean really, my job is to teach and delight children all day. How can you go wrong? A bad attitude and the little fuckers can really get on your nerves, but you know what? They're only reflecting your bad mood and lack of creativity. I've been making a concerted effort the last 2 weeks to respond so lovingly and understandingly (which I do about 90% of the time...) and the effect it's had on the mood in the classroom has been fucking phenomnal.
Don't worry, be happy.