It's 1:11. I made my wish.
Life's great. I just got over being really fucking sick, I'm glad that's over. 3 days of 102-104 degrees was uncomfortable to day the least. I missed 3 days of work, but I'm happy I still have a job. I went hiking in the Sequoias last week which is what a lot of those little red X's are about. The snow chopped up my milky little legs, but those are just little battle scars. Once I fell in thigh-deep in the snow and looked next to me and there was a cougar track the size of a dinner plate. We found other places to hike. Then I drove back to San Diego in one straight shot, with a fever. The next day I doped myself up but good on cold medicine and went on the whale boat.
Dude, dolphins are cool. How cool are 3,000 of the fucking things!?
SO COOL, that's what we saw. Thousands upon thousands of the cheerful beasties, all jumping and diving and swooping about underwater just like I always dreamed. A fucking MEGAPOD, man. My god. It was THE coolest thing I've ever seen. That I ever expect to see. Pictures to arrive soon, because I know you don't believe me.
Fuck. There's a stamp of a little black tribal-looking sun on the back of my hand which looks like a REALLY big spider out of the corner of my eye. So every time I catch a glimpse of my hand a freak out a tiny bit.
I'm going to be a Grunion-Greeter this year again. It's so awesome, I get to go out and watch little fishies spawn on the beach and take notes and stuff. It's all science-y. I'll be listed as a part of the study when it's released and I get an official Grunion Greeter beach towel! YAY! I love towels. So if you're in So Cal and want to help, go to dot orgy, get it? Hahaha. Fish jokes are fun.
I'm also determined to be an integral part of the Squid Squad. Because I want that on my resume above all else. I want to be a Squid Squad Commander. Squid Squad bitches!
I'm gonna be so pissed tomorrow morning when I have to get up at 6.
Life's great. I just got over being really fucking sick, I'm glad that's over. 3 days of 102-104 degrees was uncomfortable to day the least. I missed 3 days of work, but I'm happy I still have a job. I went hiking in the Sequoias last week which is what a lot of those little red X's are about. The snow chopped up my milky little legs, but those are just little battle scars. Once I fell in thigh-deep in the snow and looked next to me and there was a cougar track the size of a dinner plate. We found other places to hike. Then I drove back to San Diego in one straight shot, with a fever. The next day I doped myself up but good on cold medicine and went on the whale boat.
Dude, dolphins are cool. How cool are 3,000 of the fucking things!?
Fuck. There's a stamp of a little black tribal-looking sun on the back of my hand which looks like a REALLY big spider out of the corner of my eye. So every time I catch a glimpse of my hand a freak out a tiny bit.
I'm going to be a Grunion-Greeter this year again. It's so awesome, I get to go out and watch little fishies spawn on the beach and take notes and stuff. It's all science-y. I'll be listed as a part of the study when it's released and I get an official Grunion Greeter beach towel! YAY! I love towels. So if you're in So Cal and want to help, go to dot orgy, get it? Hahaha. Fish jokes are fun.
I'm also determined to be an integral part of the Squid Squad. Because I want that on my resume above all else. I want to be a Squid Squad Commander. Squid Squad bitches!
I'm gonna be so pissed tomorrow morning when I have to get up at 6.