Shit, I never update anymore. And it;s not like there's nothing going on.
CHRISTMAS: drove to Portland OR by was of San Francisco where I enjoyed a lovely holiday with my sister. Chirstmas day was hectic, but the rest of the week was spent in my pyjamas drinking wine, taking naps, seeing old friends and general carousing. Good stuff. Left on New Years day and visited friends of all types during my 5-day trip down.
My militant man-hating anarchist lesbian friend is now much more settled, is covered in tattoos and piercings, and is living in rural Oregon all by herself with 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 goats and 8 chickens. Good for her!
My teacher friend in Sac is happy and pregnant...well, probably not anymore. Hopefully by now she's into full-blown momdom. Congratulations!
My good friends in Visalia are good, though I had to play nurse to my girlfriend who had a bastard of a flu. So far, I haven't expelled my innards. I think I may have escaped.
Spent a night in Hollywood walking around in the rain. Discovered that Marilyn Manson's Art Gallery is only open by invitation or appointment. Am pissed.
Arrived home safely.
JOB: I came home thinking I was gonna be a nanny for another week, but Elle was already in school. So I get to work half-time this week, and I already got a new gig. I'll be nannying, again, for a 2.5 year old girl and a 6 month old boy. $12/hr, super flexible schedule. Awesome.
ART: OHHHHHH MY FUCKINGOD, you guys, I'm going to have work in a gallery. YES! In April, I will have a painting in FISH OUT OF WATER gallery in San Diego. Yessir, movin' on up! I'll try an share the progression, once I get an idea.
This entry sucks, my wittiness is rusty. More later, drunker.
CHRISTMAS: drove to Portland OR by was of San Francisco where I enjoyed a lovely holiday with my sister. Chirstmas day was hectic, but the rest of the week was spent in my pyjamas drinking wine, taking naps, seeing old friends and general carousing. Good stuff. Left on New Years day and visited friends of all types during my 5-day trip down.
My militant man-hating anarchist lesbian friend is now much more settled, is covered in tattoos and piercings, and is living in rural Oregon all by herself with 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 goats and 8 chickens. Good for her!

My teacher friend in Sac is happy and pregnant...well, probably not anymore. Hopefully by now she's into full-blown momdom. Congratulations!

My good friends in Visalia are good, though I had to play nurse to my girlfriend who had a bastard of a flu. So far, I haven't expelled my innards. I think I may have escaped.
Spent a night in Hollywood walking around in the rain. Discovered that Marilyn Manson's Art Gallery is only open by invitation or appointment. Am pissed.
Arrived home safely.
JOB: I came home thinking I was gonna be a nanny for another week, but Elle was already in school. So I get to work half-time this week, and I already got a new gig. I'll be nannying, again, for a 2.5 year old girl and a 6 month old boy. $12/hr, super flexible schedule. Awesome.

ART: OHHHHHH MY FUCKINGOD, you guys, I'm going to have work in a gallery. YES! In April, I will have a painting in FISH OUT OF WATER gallery in San Diego. Yessir, movin' on up! I'll try an share the progression, once I get an idea.
This entry sucks, my wittiness is rusty. More later, drunker.
Hey. I enjoyed the post. I am going to be in San Diego this weekend prepping for a meeting on Monday, do you have any recommendations (other than FISH OUT OF WATER, which looks kind of cool) for this weekend? Have a great week.