Oh yes. Nothing like a night of art and talking to yourself. (Ron Vicaro pineapple rum. It's the "Captain Ron" of booze. I've had this bottle for like two years. It's that good.)
I had such a great Thanksgiving. Two friends and I drove to Oregon for the weekend. That's 1300 miles one way. We left Wednesday afternoon and were back by Sunday night. Truly, we fucking ROCK. All 3 of us got to see our familes and friends, and each other's family and friends. We stopped at our friend's place like we do every year for T-day and after 26 hours in the car I had the finest, yummiest feast ever with bbq'd turkey, stuffing with apples, black bottom cheesecake and flourless chocolate cake, and Trinidad punch, which, on a good day will knock your socks right off, so in my state I had 1/2 a mug and I was GONE. Chatted with this guy who totally reminds me of a dear friend who's so passionate and evervesscent about everything, but in kind of a mellow way.
Yep. The guy was 26 and is a forester in Washington State, and I learned all about building roads in the woods and the evils of puddles and how much water trees can suck up and even how they choose which trees to cut and which to save. It was fucking fascinating. I spent the next two days basking in unconditional love and warmth at my parents' house and my sister and talked about how much fun we're going to have in San Francisco this Christmas. Oh, and these guys:
Zeke sleeps on his back like that alla time.
And Moose now lives up to his name. He's fucking GINORMOUS.
So, yes. Good time had by all.
Onto life at hand:
Shit, it's 10:30 already. I have 20 shrinkydink magnets and tags done. They're so fucking great.
....And now I've superglued my fingers together. Fuck yay. with too much varnish. Fuck. I worked really fucking hard on some of those too.
And I have one frame done. 5 more to go.
10:38 No, now I have 13 done because I just fucked up all my magnets with too much varnish. Suckafish.
I'm having quite a dilemma though. I want to take my art with me to sell, one because cash is always fun, and two because I only have 13 tags and 1 frame done, which will make a PATHETIC booth. My problem is I don't know if I can actually sell them. Emotionally, I mean. I really love them. I've heard you HAVE to get beyond the attatchment to your work if you ever want to make it as an artist, and art's not good if you're not really attatched to it, but GOD, this sucks! I wanna price them super high so they don't sell. I'd like them to be in a show first. *sigh*
Let's say, very hypothetically, that they all sold for $200 each. There's 2, that's $1000 in a day. But is a thousand bucks worth missing my heartache? Make new ones, only to sell them for money that will be gone in a flash, and never see them again?

I had such a great Thanksgiving. Two friends and I drove to Oregon for the weekend. That's 1300 miles one way. We left Wednesday afternoon and were back by Sunday night. Truly, we fucking ROCK. All 3 of us got to see our familes and friends, and each other's family and friends. We stopped at our friend's place like we do every year for T-day and after 26 hours in the car I had the finest, yummiest feast ever with bbq'd turkey, stuffing with apples, black bottom cheesecake and flourless chocolate cake, and Trinidad punch, which, on a good day will knock your socks right off, so in my state I had 1/2 a mug and I was GONE. Chatted with this guy who totally reminds me of a dear friend who's so passionate and evervesscent about everything, but in kind of a mellow way.

Zeke sleeps on his back like that alla time.
And Moose now lives up to his name. He's fucking GINORMOUS.
So, yes. Good time had by all.
Onto life at hand:
Shit, it's 10:30 already. I have 20 shrinkydink magnets and tags done. They're so fucking great.

....And now I've superglued my fingers together. Fuck yay. with too much varnish. Fuck. I worked really fucking hard on some of those too.

10:38 No, now I have 13 done because I just fucked up all my magnets with too much varnish. Suckafish.

I'm having quite a dilemma though. I want to take my art with me to sell, one because cash is always fun, and two because I only have 13 tags and 1 frame done, which will make a PATHETIC booth. My problem is I don't know if I can actually sell them. Emotionally, I mean. I really love them. I've heard you HAVE to get beyond the attatchment to your work if you ever want to make it as an artist, and art's not good if you're not really attatched to it, but GOD, this sucks! I wanna price them super high so they don't sell. I'd like them to be in a show first. *sigh*
Let's say, very hypothetically, that they all sold for $200 each. There's 2, that's $1000 in a day. But is a thousand bucks worth missing my heartache? Make new ones, only to sell them for money that will be gone in a flash, and never see them again?

I never saw the kitties!
Thank You!!!