Ha. Worst. Research paper. Ever. Whatever. I can fix it.
My frog Bugsy died this morning.
But it's better now. He had gone blind, and his life sucked. But I'm still sad. I wish I could've fixed him.
R.I.P. Bugsy Burns.

Today I went shopping and delighted in finding Christmas in full swing. Hooray! I found a rad cd of really old Christmas carols for $3, and ...what the shit is THIS!?

Oh BOY!!! I've never seen THIS before!!! BEST find of the year!!!!!

Also, I found out today that I get to go home for Thanksgiving.
That's awesome. Being in a car for 18 hours is not so awesome, but doable. I'm so excited, I get to see my family, my cat, my town. And some real winter weather. And two days of that will be just enough to make me appreciate San Diego again. No classes missed either!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Also: the second best find of the year:

zomg Alaskan Thunderfuck. YES. Me likey.
Also: *swooooooooon*

and...um....I...I don't know.

My frog Bugsy died this morning.

R.I.P. Bugsy Burns.

Today I went shopping and delighted in finding Christmas in full swing. Hooray! I found a rad cd of really old Christmas carols for $3, and ...what the shit is THIS!?

Oh BOY!!! I've never seen THIS before!!! BEST find of the year!!!!!

Also, I found out today that I get to go home for Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Also: the second best find of the year:

zomg Alaskan Thunderfuck. YES. Me likey.
Also: *swooooooooon*

and...um....I...I don't know.