Protect Sharks, are we CRAZY??
Australia fights shark poaching with DNA Database
Australia launches shark fishing study
International shark finning ban passed
More sharks used for soup than previously thought
No sharkfin soup for NBA star
Officials use shark fin DNA to track traders
Sanctions on shark finning
Shark cartilage proves ineffective cancer treatment
In unrelated news, Joan Jett is fucking Goddess Allmighty!!!! Holy crap, she's like, 48.


Eagles of Death Metal was awesome too.
Last night I saw my first of three Motley Crue/Aerosmith shows on this insane Route of All Evil tour in Hollywood. We missed 3/4 of Crue, which was sad, but I cannot fucking WAIT to see them tomorrow night. We will NOT be late. Also, Steven Tyler is a robot. He's gotta be. He is too perfect of a showman to be mere flesh & bone. Good God.
Nikki Sixx + Tommy Lee + Steven Tyler + Joe Perry =
ROCK 'N' RULE, ladies and gents. I have more friggin homework to do so I can enjoy tomorrow night with a clear conscience.
OMG, Edit.
It's 7:30. I have been studying here at the nice, distraction-free Library for SIX UNBROKEN HOURS. My brain is mush. I'm hungry. But I got a lot of stuff done.
CHDV: Read Chapter 11 & 12. Wrote Lesson Plan for Nutrition Project. Found, wrote up, and described 15 local sources for parent of children with autism spectrum disorders.
OCN: Read most of Chapter 10. Made Idea web for research paper and looked up more sources, many of which are listed here.
Oh my god, that doesn't sound like much at all. But I've been sitting here for six fucking hours, and I'm proud. I want a fucking gold star. But I will settle for getting stoned and gettting some Mongolian Grill. mmmmm. Meat & Vegetals.
If I'm not the only one in agony...
It would all stop with one simple conversation.
Fucking women.