Today it's all gloomy and threatening outside. I like it. Stay in, stay warm and cozy and all that it entails. I need to ask if it's ok to use the fireplace during the day.
I studied for my stupid child development test tonight. I hate those. Tests usually don't bother me, but these seem to have all nitty-gritty questions. Me being more of a "big picture" person I can look at small things and go "I'm not going to give these to the baby, she could choke on them" rather than knowing the techinal definition of andything less than an inch and a half in diameter is a choking hazard. Too small is too small. The tests cover meaningless minutae. Cribs slats are not supposed to be more than 2 and 5/8 inches apart. Otherwise baby's limbs/head could get caught. *sigh* Can I stick two fingers between the bars? Easily. Too big, I'll make I buy one with narrower slats. How hard is that? All I know is experiential and completely valid. And yet I got and 80% on the last test. SUCK!
I'm pondering what to do with a special pumpkin this week. I'm going to enter it in the pumpkin decorating contest at the aquarium this year, but I don't know what to do. The only rule is that it can't be punctured or carved or cut in any way. Otherwise all materials and methods of attatchement are fair. FUN!! But I don't know what to do yet. Any ideas? Halloween/Ocean/Pirate/creatures...
I could do an anglerfish pumkin with black paint, blacklight paint, and silver mylar.
Maybe just a painted scene. Hm.

I studied for my stupid child development test tonight. I hate those. Tests usually don't bother me, but these seem to have all nitty-gritty questions. Me being more of a "big picture" person I can look at small things and go "I'm not going to give these to the baby, she could choke on them" rather than knowing the techinal definition of andything less than an inch and a half in diameter is a choking hazard. Too small is too small. The tests cover meaningless minutae. Cribs slats are not supposed to be more than 2 and 5/8 inches apart. Otherwise baby's limbs/head could get caught. *sigh* Can I stick two fingers between the bars? Easily. Too big, I'll make I buy one with narrower slats. How hard is that? All I know is experiential and completely valid. And yet I got and 80% on the last test. SUCK!
I'm pondering what to do with a special pumpkin this week. I'm going to enter it in the pumpkin decorating contest at the aquarium this year, but I don't know what to do. The only rule is that it can't be punctured or carved or cut in any way. Otherwise all materials and methods of attatchement are fair. FUN!! But I don't know what to do yet. Any ideas? Halloween/Ocean/Pirate/creatures...
I could do an anglerfish pumkin with black paint, blacklight paint, and silver mylar.

Maybe just a painted scene. Hm.