So what can I do with this itty-bitty mouse half-skeleton? It's so rad. Floppy, my friend's cat caught it last night, and it was swarmed with ants in minutes of her being done playing with it. This afternoon there isn't an ant in sight and it's completely stripped aside from a few tufts of fur, two lively little whiskers on the left, and some dark red inside the skull, although the brain is gone. Wow. Ants are creepy. I am creepy. I want to put him on a pencil and freak out the retarded high schoolers in my Oceanography class. Heh. Haha. Mwahahaha. That'll be AWESOME.
I no longer have time to be distracted into depression. For the next fifteen weeks, I don't have ONE day to do nothing. I work 5 days a week, go to school 4 days a week (including an all day class Saturday), work Wednesday nights, and volunteer on Sundays. I realized today that if I didn't go the the Art Store to get supplies now, I wouldn't have a chance to do it until AFTER I need them next Saturday. Nuts! $60 later I have probably more than I need. YAY! Now I have to finish up some OceanO. homework. I wanted to go to the beach this evening but I should go get crickets for the frogs instead. They're hungry.
I no longer have time to be distracted into depression. For the next fifteen weeks, I don't have ONE day to do nothing. I work 5 days a week, go to school 4 days a week (including an all day class Saturday), work Wednesday nights, and volunteer on Sundays. I realized today that if I didn't go the the Art Store to get supplies now, I wouldn't have a chance to do it until AFTER I need them next Saturday. Nuts! $60 later I have probably more than I need. YAY! Now I have to finish up some OceanO. homework. I wanted to go to the beach this evening but I should go get crickets for the frogs instead. They're hungry.