I have had secret admirers before, but I can't really speak for others, so I will speak of one of my own admirations. Once upon a time I was in college. I had my normal everyday school life; class, free time, class, eat, etc... Well one day I was eating in the cafeteria and I saw the most beautiful girl across the room. She was...
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Most importantly, know where you are going; the place, customs, people. Know that if you go to Istanbul and want to visit a Mosque that they expect women fully covered whether you are a tourist or not. Things like this are important if you don't want to offend the people, and in turn, maybe cause yourself a problem. You might not get to do something...
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Wooo! Finally school is finished for a few weeks. It is so nice not to have to stress about anything now that finals and everything are done :D
Sigh... For some odd reason the loneliness is hitting kinda hard tonight :(
So tired. Slept an hour and got up for a job, now I am home and have to go to school to take seven hours of chemistry >.> Then tonight I think I am going to go see Catching Fire opening night. I really should have slept last night lol.
So I rejoined Suicide Girls finally. Was a member like five years ago or something. To bad I couldn't' re-up my old profile and had to make a new one :(