Helllo fello SG's!
NEW YORK TRIP = T- 1 month and 4 days! hehe
Im soooo freakin excited! heh Does anyone know of any cool places I should check out while im there? Im only going for 3 days with my class. were going to a super popular hair show. should be fun!. haha i cant wait to stock up on cheap imitation shizzznat hehe
hmmmm what else....OOO yes i quit my job! so if anyone in Montreal is hiring plz let know! lol
I also got my SG goodie pack today in the mail!!! hehe woohoo i love gettn presents
I will have new pics of my snakebites up real soon! hehe
I also just added a ton a new pics and albums! so check them out !
Much love
Catastrophe xxx
ps this is the tattoo im getting ..hopefully within the next month or so! hehe

NEW YORK TRIP = T- 1 month and 4 days! hehe
Im soooo freakin excited! heh Does anyone know of any cool places I should check out while im there? Im only going for 3 days with my class. were going to a super popular hair show. should be fun!. haha i cant wait to stock up on cheap imitation shizzznat hehe
hmmmm what else....OOO yes i quit my job! so if anyone in Montreal is hiring plz let know! lol
I also got my SG goodie pack today in the mail!!! hehe woohoo i love gettn presents
I will have new pics of my snakebites up real soon! hehe
I also just added a ton a new pics and albums! so check them out !
Much love
Catastrophe xxx
ps this is the tattoo im getting ..hopefully within the next month or so! hehe

not in my set pics though...i don't know WHO that girl is.
Parles-tu francais?
Here's a modest group I created for Quebec SGs, feel free to join
Quebec SG