I'm in such an odd mood. Disconcerting is a good way to describe it I
suppose. I'm ridiculously exhausted cos I was up until like 4am last
night talking....I sont regret it, but getting that little of sleep,
working in the gloomy weather today, and knowing my life is about to get
really hectic in a matter of days just drained me. Not a good...
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*sends wishes of all the good stuff* .......oh yeah, and some rockstar might help a little smile
Oh yeah, and thank you for adding me on myspace, I tried to add you awhile back and didn't know your last name or email address. I was sad frown but now I'm happy again! smile
hearing about a friends tough time, and bad news kinda puts things in perspective a bit.

i wish i knew what to do, or how to help, but its not the kind of thing you can really "fix" and thats what i like to do...do anything within my power to "fix" things and make it all better.

which is funny, because i dont trust easily...
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You know I trsut you, I just don't know what people can do to help.
I don't really want to laugh and cuddle. I'm kind of in my don't touch me mood for the most part. I dont know, I kind of want to be sad and just process.
so, just got home from sac. went to true love with the sgsac gang, and had a blast. saw so many lovely people, and drank wayyyy too much (non- alcoholic) irish coffee. we wandered down to g-spot and browsed, which is always good times. though catagogo and i were rather disappointed we didnt run into any "green eyed monster"s.

...thought i had more to say,...
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I wish I could have gone frown Glad you all had fun!
i was getting up from bed, when suki jumped on my lap.
i stood up trying to get her to jump off.
she just slid down me, claws embedded. my leg and stomach have battle wounds and i wanted to cry a bit.
im sleepy, still in pjs, and havent even done anything to prep for work other than turn on the iron.

sure, the cat did it. good cover wink

My cats do that all the time, especially the baby. I don't want the 15 lb one to do it...EVER!
so, last night, instead of doing laundry, catagogo and i went out to santa rosa to return a blockbuster movie i had (which is still in my car lol). we met up with omeganightmare. we got silly on the drive - the sleep deprived type of silly, though that just how we are together 90% of the time. i had to give her presents...
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twas sooo much fun! im glad youre not in smelly santa rosa anymore and we can see eachother all the fucking time.
Its weird, to be so close to friends, and still feel so isolated. At
least I got music on in the office today, so I have background
noise.....its weird to be the only one working, I'm used to a busy
office full of people. I miss leasing...like, tour after tour after
tour. Didn't think I'd miss it, but I do. Even the phones here are...
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Eating lunch alone in public definitely feels weird. I had to do it for a couple of months when I started my current job. I always feel really exposed like I'm in a fishbowl. Playing games on the cell phone didn't cut it.
So, I'm officially addicted to sg. Its become one of my "check multiple
times a day" sites lol. And oddly enough, I've been updating this blog
far more than my livejournal. Its an overcast day out here in lafayette,
and it doesn't fit my mood at all. I'm outside smoking and hoping the
maintenance guy arrives soon to let me into the office. If only...
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This is much better than any interactive tv, getting updates like this one makes me think how good idea was to become a sg member!! Nice writing btw .... i wish i can do the same someday, but i'll need to improve my english first biggrin biggrin are u still waiting??? sorry men's are always late!!
Your childhood sounds a lot like mine, the reading part at least. I was an escapist child as well, reading and reading and reading! whatever

Hope you have time for a good book once in a while. . . Oh! You should tune into 94.1 on the FM dial at 3 in the afternoon if you can listen to the radio at work. You'll hear a show called "cover to cover" where they talk about various books, sometimes novels sometimes nonfiction.

Have a grand day! biggrin
Its been a lovely day. I have done absolutely no additional unpacking
however, haha. I was woken up at an ungodly hour (7am) by my kittens who
decided sleep time was over, and play time had started. So I went to my
old starbucks in walnut creek which was filled with new faces. Then I
visited park regency. I called marla, one of my friends/old...
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Mine usually wake me up with this ^ very expression on their faces...

Hooray for kittens on crack!
with today.
got paid more than i was expecting, thank god.
i'm done!
no, not with packing. however, i have all day to do that. cos they paid me, then said i could go. and they totally still paid me for working a full day today. LOVE LOVE LOVE yay!

had a great night last night, and am about to run...
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Yay for you! smile
LMAO at Karaoke, yes, that is us! What exactly did he tell you? lol blush
so, i didnt go to work today. i needed a mental health day. everythings so overwhelming. and i needed to take a break. i should be packing for the move, or cleaning, or something. but im watching tv, drinking my carafe of coffee, and cuddling with the kittens.

they didnt get my message at the office, and apparently freaked out. they pounded on my door...
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hehe Yeh I was thinking about that too....it would have sucked lol.

I stole one of those pink things at a party awhile back...I don't quite remember what they taste like though.....And I'm a smoker when I'm drunk smile
true, and they match a pair of shoes I have now. biggrin