So, things are better. My RPS called me this morning because I emailed
her last night to let her know I was frustrated and having concerns
about things. She's so awesome. Really suportive and completely thrilled
to have me as a member of the team. And totally chill. We are having
trouble advertising because our client won't allow for it in the budget.
She said place free ads on - which charges us $425 per lease if
we get a rental through the site. And her theory is "if we get a lease,
the client can suck it and pay" lol.
Its been a good "weekend". Spent lot of time with Catagogo..helped her
clean, and woke her up from her mid morning nap. We went down to Cafe
Roma last night for like....3 hours. I was sat on by Ryan, Duck, Cat,
and Chris R-S. Three of them at once for a prolonged period of time. I
felt a bit ill afterwards, but overall it was good to get me out of my
funk. I'm still kinda in it...just get in moods and feel really
anti-social. I'm doing better...Lisa is coming out for my birthday and
spending time with Cat always helps. But, in keeping to myself I've been
getting rest I've really needed.
I feel bad for all the work related blogs, so I promise that my next one
will be more interesting.
And in the effort to get into the holiday mood....what's your favorite
thing about the holidays/christmas/whatever? And what's the one thing
you're really looking forward to in the coming year?
her last night to let her know I was frustrated and having concerns
about things. She's so awesome. Really suportive and completely thrilled
to have me as a member of the team. And totally chill. We are having
trouble advertising because our client won't allow for it in the budget.
She said place free ads on - which charges us $425 per lease if
we get a rental through the site. And her theory is "if we get a lease,
the client can suck it and pay" lol.
Its been a good "weekend". Spent lot of time with Catagogo..helped her
clean, and woke her up from her mid morning nap. We went down to Cafe
Roma last night for like....3 hours. I was sat on by Ryan, Duck, Cat,
and Chris R-S. Three of them at once for a prolonged period of time. I
felt a bit ill afterwards, but overall it was good to get me out of my
funk. I'm still kinda in it...just get in moods and feel really
anti-social. I'm doing better...Lisa is coming out for my birthday and
spending time with Cat always helps. But, in keeping to myself I've been
getting rest I've really needed.
I feel bad for all the work related blogs, so I promise that my next one
will be more interesting.
And in the effort to get into the holiday mood....what's your favorite
thing about the holidays/christmas/whatever? And what's the one thing
you're really looking forward to in the coming year?
Also sorry I keep hogging your comment space, I'm sooo bored I could pass out. Only I'm not tired enough to pass out *sigh* And Jeff wont be home till 3 at the earliest...I HATE CLOVER!
Oh yeah, and odds are I wont be able to go Sunday
oh yeah, and p.s. remember what i told you about that you think i should tell her or just let it go and try not to think about it?