One more exam, then its 3 straight weeks of utter crunkness...i can't wait to have some time of not seeing this fucking law's really like Groundhog Day, i think i'm going insane...take it greazy all you kiddies in SG wonderland....more to come....
Thank Christ, finally done!!!! first semester of law school fucking finished...hopefully soon, when you SG girls get charged w/ indecent exposure, drug posession or beating the living shit out of some random perve, you will all be able to retain my services to get you off the hook.....too tired to drink properly tonight...had some good times roommate, her friend and I finally got enough of a buzz on to make a trek into providence, however, eveything closes at 1, so we were shit outta luck, just as well....headin back to dirty jerz tomorrow....the saga continues....
I have some friends who just finished law school, and they say the first year is definitely the hardest. The summer job you get after your first year pretty much determines where you get hired, so as long as you don't royally screw up in the next two years you're fine. Happy New Year!