"I don't know if now, lived and died the life of a man, I can write about little-boy love, but remembering it now, it seems the cleanest pain I've known. Love without desire, or conditions, or limits---a pure and radiant glow in the heart that could make me giddy and sad and glorious all at once. Where does it go? Why, in all their experiments, did the Magi never try to capture that purity in a bottle? Perhaps they couldn't. Perhaps it is lost to us when we become sexual creatures, and no magic can bring it back."
- Lamb
I read that last night, and wanted to post it. That's all.
- Lamb
I read that last night, and wanted to post it. That's all.
I read Lamb over the summer because you recommended it and I TOTALLY loved it. is his other stuff good too?
were you referring to my naked booby pictures? I took them down because it was starting to freak me out. also they are no longer accurate as I've gained like 30 pounds and my boobs are huuuuuuuuuuuge now.
did you get a million more tattoos?! kick ass.