ok so two people are talking to each other. the conversation appears to be going well and they walk away feeling that they both understand. but the truth is that person 1 has been saying something thinking that person 2 understands it within the context of what has been said and gestured at. The truth though is that person 2 understands more than what was said, and knows more in an instant than person 1 will ever know about themselves. person 1 stands there convinced that what has been revealed is controlled and definitive. iits the skin that makes this happen. its so thick and definite that we live life trying to fuck our way out. we push into each other thinking that at any moment everything thats been caught in us will trasfer between our pores and reveal somthing that is profound and neccesary. and it never happens because it cant and you realize that things are the same as they were. i dont mean to say that all sex is this, but fuck if it doesnt always happen when all you wanted was to fuck.