I just realized that I haven't been hanging out with quality people lately. There have been too many useless drinkers at my house, and I've devoted far too much energy to them. I need to stop asking thoughtless people what they're thinking about. . . cause they ain't thinking about anything. RANT. RANT.
However I did backpack with quality people in Lassen. After I strained my foot, they carried my shit for two days. We still managed to have an excellent time, and the trails were mostly empty of other hikers. We saw like ten different lakes. A bit of advice: make sure to fully rehydrate your trail dinners before you eat them. Otherwise they rehydrate in your stomach.
Random proposal: San Francisco needs a new emperor. It's been like a hundred years since Emperor Norton died. Howz come we never replaced him? We need to find some colorful bizzare character and give him a uniform.

However I did backpack with quality people in Lassen. After I strained my foot, they carried my shit for two days. We still managed to have an excellent time, and the trails were mostly empty of other hikers. We saw like ten different lakes. A bit of advice: make sure to fully rehydrate your trail dinners before you eat them. Otherwise they rehydrate in your stomach.

Random proposal: San Francisco needs a new emperor. It's been like a hundred years since Emperor Norton died. Howz come we never replaced him? We need to find some colorful bizzare character and give him a uniform.

It is then decided. You might have to settle for his understudy.
thankyou, i was not hung over in the sense of being sick..however i had to feel icky all day long since i was broken up with that night