I visited my brother in prison yesterday, and that gave me a chance to show him the project I've been doing for him. I didn't know whether I'd be able to take the letter-sized photos into the visiting room, but I had already mailed him the real copy on Friday. It turned out that the biggest thing you can take in are 5X7 photos, but the guards were in a good mood. They went and found a paper cutter and chopped the paper down to size.
Visiting prison is like walking into a Monty Python film. Imagine handing someone a stack of pictures that has been hacked in pieces and then restapled as individual stacks. To see each photo, you have to turn the page on four different stacks and then push the stacks together.
After my fams and I got inside, we had a nice visit. My brother was totally surprised by the newsletter I made. He had asked me to take pictures of the new stuff in San Francisco, but he had no idea that I was putting him or so much effort into the project. We all passed the photos around and had a giggle.

Does kissing cardboard count as cheating?