The best part of this story is the ending.
I tutored in the study lab from 6-8, and then I decided to catch up on grading papers. So I stayed at work a little longer. Sounds like a good idea, right? I asked the janitors (in Spanish) if I had to leave by a certain time, and they said (in Spanish), "No problem." They would come back at 10:00 to empty my trash. We understood each other perfectly well.
No problem.
Along comes 9:30, and the security guard bursts into the study lab with the two janitors, saying that I was trespassing, and what was I doing in the building. After he unclenched his butt cheeks a little, he realized that he knew me already.
He decided not to call the cops, and not to confiscate my school ID. He gave me a stern talking-to about how I was breaking school policies and that he was going easy on me. In his mind I was *this close* to landing in the back seat of a patrol car. He kept saying his name "Lee" so that I would remember to give him credit for busting my balls.
"If anything were to be missing, Mr. Fallis, you would be held responsible and I would be in big trouble too." That's the other thing: he kept calling me Mr. Fallis in every sentence.
The poor guy had the fear of the devil in him. First he was piddling in his pants because Big Brother had taken away his thought license, and he thought he was going to get in trouble. Second, when he looked in the security monitors and saw a guy walking around in a white shirt and tie (in and office building!) it really scared him. I'm not kidding. That's what he said.
So he made me stop working *right now* and then he escorted (I love that word) me out of the building.
"One of your supervisors will be having a talk with you about this incident. Let them know that LEE already gave you a stern warning, and this will never happen again."
Ahhhh. Good times. I haven't been in trouble for anything in a long time, but I'm glad that he was so serious about it. For a little while, it felt like grade school, all over again.
Two minutes later, two blocks away, I saw a car rear-end another car. The airbag deployed in the rear car, and three SFPD cruisers came, even though nobody was the slightest bit injured. As I watched the cops question the guy who caused the accident, I pondered the irony that I might have been in the back seat of one of these exact cars just minutes earlier. Because of a guy named Lee who was afraid of a guy wearing a tie in an office building.
The End
I tutored in the study lab from 6-8, and then I decided to catch up on grading papers. So I stayed at work a little longer. Sounds like a good idea, right? I asked the janitors (in Spanish) if I had to leave by a certain time, and they said (in Spanish), "No problem." They would come back at 10:00 to empty my trash. We understood each other perfectly well.
No problem.
Along comes 9:30, and the security guard bursts into the study lab with the two janitors, saying that I was trespassing, and what was I doing in the building. After he unclenched his butt cheeks a little, he realized that he knew me already.
He decided not to call the cops, and not to confiscate my school ID. He gave me a stern talking-to about how I was breaking school policies and that he was going easy on me. In his mind I was *this close* to landing in the back seat of a patrol car. He kept saying his name "Lee" so that I would remember to give him credit for busting my balls.
"If anything were to be missing, Mr. Fallis, you would be held responsible and I would be in big trouble too." That's the other thing: he kept calling me Mr. Fallis in every sentence.
The poor guy had the fear of the devil in him. First he was piddling in his pants because Big Brother had taken away his thought license, and he thought he was going to get in trouble. Second, when he looked in the security monitors and saw a guy walking around in a white shirt and tie (in and office building!) it really scared him. I'm not kidding. That's what he said.
So he made me stop working *right now* and then he escorted (I love that word) me out of the building.
"One of your supervisors will be having a talk with you about this incident. Let them know that LEE already gave you a stern warning, and this will never happen again."
Ahhhh. Good times. I haven't been in trouble for anything in a long time, but I'm glad that he was so serious about it. For a little while, it felt like grade school, all over again.
Two minutes later, two blocks away, I saw a car rear-end another car. The airbag deployed in the rear car, and three SFPD cruisers came, even though nobody was the slightest bit injured. As I watched the cops question the guy who caused the accident, I pondered the irony that I might have been in the back seat of one of these exact cars just minutes earlier. Because of a guy named Lee who was afraid of a guy wearing a tie in an office building.
The End

Really though, I got more entries in the past .05 seconds than in my past two combined. Hmmm. I think I found the SG witching hour.