So I teach math at a fashion school (yeas chew that over for a minute to let it sink in). Anyhoo one of my bosses also manages Macy's, and he wants me to moonlight there as an evening supervisor. Bwaaaaah!
OK #1. I know jack shit about retail clothing and #2. Supervisor! Bwaaaaaah! I think I'm going to do it though, out of freakish curiousity. I mean, I would get to be the guy with the register code for when transactions get fucked up. No, you don't understand, when I worked at service jobs, I was always the guy who fucked up the register and had to call somebody to put the code in. I can ride peeplz asses and make condescending remarks about fucking up the register -- not because I'd be mad, but because, I don't know, maybe I'd have some masochistic employees. Ooh ooh, I'd also get to be the guy who rolls down those weird corrugated steel doors at the end of the night. Those things used to fascinate me when I was a kid. I always wanted to close them shits and be inside when nobody else could get in. Well then I could go behind the gift wrap counter and. . . are you readyfor this?. . . play with the boxes and the giiiiiiftwraap. Mm hmm. Can you say photoset?
Oh, and I bought two domain names today. Looks like I finally joined the 21st century.

Oh, and I bought two domain names today. Looks like I finally joined the 21st century.

Thanks, Teach! But I don't really get it, so can I come to your office hours?
You are smiley challenged.