So this cardboard muscleman (previous entry) is taking forever. I could have been done by now, but I do everything the hard way. I decided to PAINT his jeans and muscles onto him, but there's only one teensey weensey problem with that: I never learned how to paint.
Painting is one of the few artforms I've shied away from for all these years. The word acrylic always made me want to jump in bed and hide under the covers. I don't know why.
So I've been forcing myself to mix colors and to practice on little pieces of cardboard. I'm shocked by how easy it is.
What the hell was I afraid of? I guess you just get the idea that you're incapable of something and then you have to psyche yourself up like a fucking boxer to fight off the self doubt.
Anyway, the jeans are almost done. I would love to finish them now but it's time for bed. Goodnight and love to all.

and youre pretty damn cute, if i may say so.
(i know you don't know me... but i don't know me either...)
love gavin.
x fuckin' o.